Asp Interview Questions and Answers Part 3

What is the function of Buffer in Response Object?
Buffer controls the HTML output stream manually.

How are scripts executed?

ASP provides scripting engines that execute the corresponding scripting languages on the server side. Scripts should be encoded within the Delimiters.

What is ASP (Active Server Pages)?

ASP is a server side-scripting environment for building dynamic and interactive web pages. Since the scripts run on the server side, the web server does all the processing.

What are ARRAYS?

Arrays are variables that store items of similar information.DIM ARRAY1(4) (declares an array with the name array1 with 5 elements)

What is Application-scope?

Application-scope means that variables (and objects) can be accessed from any ASP pages that is part of the application.

What is Extranet?

An area of a web site available only to a set of registered visitors.

What is a session?

A user accessing an application is known as a session.

What is ClientCertificate collection?

A ClientCertificate is an encrypted number that is stored in a file on the user’s computer. This stores details of any security certificates included with the request.

What do you need to run ASP?

A browser and a Web server

What is the order of execution for an ASP application?

1) Global.asa
2) Server-side Includes
3) Jscript scripts tagged within

What are the types of HTML?

Static HTML Browser uses HTTP to request HTML file from the Web Server
Dynamic HTML Browser uses HTTP to request an executable application rather than a Static HTML file

What are the properties of Session Object?

SessionID returns the session identification number for each user.
Timeout sets the timeout period assigned to the Session object for any application, in minutes.
CodePage determines the code page that will be used to display content.
LCID a locale identifier, which determines time zone and language, rules for the system

What are the event handlers of Session Object?

Session _OnStart This event will be fired when a new user begins a session with the web site.
Session_OnEnd This event is called whenever a session terminates.

Name the ASP Objects?

Request Object
Response Object
Server Object
Session Object
Application Object

What are the advantages of using ASP?

Minimizes network traffic by limiting the need for the browser and server to talk to each other
Makes for quicker loading time since HTML pages are only downloaded
Allows to run programs in languages that are not supported by the browser
Can provide the client with data that does not reside on the client’s machine
Provides improved security measures since the script cannot be viewed by the browser

What are the methods in Application Object?

Lock prevents clients from modifying the variables stored in the Application object.
Unlock removes the lock from variables stored in the Application object.

What are the methods in Application Object?

Internet Information Server (IIS) on Windows NT
Personal Web Server (PWS) on Windows 95
Peer Web Services on Windows NT

What are the browsers that can access ASP pages?

Internet Explorer (supports VBScript, JavaScript)
Netscape Communicator/ Navigator (supports only JavaScript, VBScript can be also added too)

What are the methods by which output stream is controlled?

Flush sends previous buffered output to the client immediately, but continues processing the script.
Clear erases any already-buffered HTML.
End causes the server to stop processing the script.

What are the methods by which output stream is controlled?

What are the properties used to control the expiration of the page?
Expires specifies the number of minutes before a page cached on a browser expires.
ExpiresAbsolute sets the date and time at which a page cached on a browser expires.
