Oracle Interview Questions&Answers Part 4
How does one see the uptime for a database? (for DBA ) Look at the following SQL query: SELECT to_char (startup_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24: MI: SS') "DB Startup Time" FROM sys.v_$instance; Marco Bergman provided the following alternative solution: SELECT to_char (logon_time,'Dy dd Mon HH24: MI: SS') "DB Startup Time" FROM sys.v_$session WHERE Sid=1 /* this is pmon */ / Users still running on Oracle 7 can try one of the following queries: Column STARTED format a18 head 'STARTUP TIME' Select C.INSTANCE, to_date (JUL.VALUE, 'J') || to_char (floor (SEC.VALUE/3600), '09') || ':' -- || Substr (to_char (mod (SEC.VALUE/60, 60), '09'), 2, 2) || Substr (to_char (floor (mod (SEC.VALUE/60, 60)), '09'), 2, 2) || '.' || Substr (to_char (mod (SEC.VALUE, 60), '09'), 2, 2) STARTED from SYS.V_$INSTANCE JUL, SYS.V_$INSTANCE SEC, SYS.V_$THREAD C Where JUL.KEY like '%JULIAN%' and SEC.KEY like '%...